Pruning time!

Autumn is the time we start pruning lavender. There’s a certain coolness in the air and by the end of the day the back knows it’s had a work out! […] Read more…

Autumn is the time we start pruning lavender. There’s a certain coolness in the air and by the end of the day the back knows it’s had a work out! […]

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Sweet Scents

Lavender is a fantastic product to work with. The real joy comes at the end of a harvest when you can relax and know that the years hard work is safely captured in a bottle! […]

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Harvest over

Weve got the crop in! Thanks to Matt and Kendall and a number of other helpers, both the Grosso and Pacific Blue are all harvested. We usually start harvesting after 10am when the sun has been on the flowers for a few hours. This draws the oil up the stalk into the flowerhead […] Read more…

Weve got the crop in! Thanks to Matt and Kendall and a number of other helpers, both the Grosso and Pacific Blue are all harvested. We usually start harvesting after 10am when the sun has been on the flowers for a few hours. This draws the oil up the stalk into the flowerhead […]

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Its in the pot!

You can grow the best Lavender in the world but unless its distilled well you may not get the best from your hard work. We take our lavender to Herbal Visionz who use a steam distillation plant to extract fine quality oil. […] Read more…

You can grow the best Lavender in the world but unless its distilled well you may not get the best from your hard work. We take our lavender to Herbal Visionz who use a steam distillation plant to extract fine quality oil. […]

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