Autumn brings change and this months blog reflects that theme with haircuts (pruning), and free shipping top of mind.

The first light frost and snow on the volcanic peaks means winter is well on it’s way. We can relax a little bit knowing our lavender has been well pruned (haircuts), weeded and ready to face winter.

We prune our lavender as hard as we can in order to produce as much of a rounded shape as possible. The plants are now well into adulthood, so they definitely taking on a form of their own.

So what is the best method for pruning lavender?

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There are many theories as to how best to prune lavender. Different varieties have different needs but for most people  and varieties good advice can be found here

We prefer to prune our lavender in early Autumn, before the first frost, and perhaps a light trim just prior to Spring’s first growth.

Due to some changes in the on-line market space and our desire to offer you the best opportunity to purchase quality lavender products we have now placed all our products (up to one litre) on free shipping. That’s right, you can now browse and buy with no additional packaging or shipping costs.

This permanent free shipping offer commences on June 1st.

Happy shopping!