Home / Lavender Hydrosol (mist) / Lavender mist 60ml

Lavender mist 60ml

  • Description

We are delighted to add a new product, lavender mist, to our organically produced range. The production of lavender mist is a key component of producing pure, essential lavender oil. The distillation process pushes pure spring water and steam, through and around the plant material, which in turn captures the steam and essential oil. The two are separated out later in the process. The end result is the pure lavender mist – a beautiful scented , multi-purpose water with all of the properties of the lavender it has been extracted from.

Some common uses of lavender mist include:

  • as an air freshener
  • as distilled water for ironing
  • for aromatherapy baths
  • for house cleaning and windows
  • as a face toner and spritzer
  • for dog care
  • for beautiful hair rinses

Lavender mist is a great way to refresh yourself and your life!

This product is available in two sizes, one for travel one for home.


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