
All of the Grosso and Pacific Blue plants are now beautifully pruned and “sleeping through the (winter) daytime”.

Given the upheaval over the last few months the work programme is running a late this year. The  recently pruned plants, including some newly planted growing on lines, have survived some heavy frosts in June.

In all another 500 young plants (mainly Pacific Blue) are in the ground with a few flower heads expected  from them this summer.

Autumn and early winter are great times to listen to some new music. Sleeping in the Daytime by Jimmy Webb and Lyle Lovett is a favourite in front of the fire – listen here


We continue to monitor research which adds proof to the claimed benefits of using lavender products. New research from the National Library of Medicine has been released. For the first time the effectiveness of lavender essential oil inhalation for migraine treatment has been proven.

The studyfound inhalation of lavender essential oil may be an effective and safe treatment in acute management of migraine headaches.

In these unprecedented times Aotearoa is in a strong position compared to other countries still dealing with COVID-19. Lavender products can play a key role in helping provide emotional relief in these stressful times.

Kia kaha – be strong!