Tag: free shipping

A summer of lavender mist

Morena This month we have a look at lavender hydrosol or lavender mist. Hydrosols are the by-product of the making of essential oil. Hydrosols are also known as floral water. They contain about 1% essential oil with the remainder being infused lavender water. We always look for great data that support the effectiveness of lavender products. One recent studyhttps://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s40415-019-00518-1 looked at the […]

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the colour purple…

It’s just past the shortest day , so time to put away your mid winter blues and replace them with mid winter “purples” and the thoughts of a lavender summer.

We thought we’d celebrate with some famous and infamous quotes and stories about lavender to reflect on over winter….

“Forgiveness is the fragrance the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed […] Read more…

It’s just past the shortest day , so time to put away your mid winter blues and replace them with mid winter “purples” and the thoughts of a lavender summer. We thought we’d celebrate with some famous and infamous quotes and stories about lavender to reflect on over winter…. “Forgiveness is the fragrance the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed […]

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of this and that (a brief history of lavender)

This months blog outlines a brief history of lavender. Winter suddenly arrived on Banks Peninsula this week with 120km hour winds, snow on the tops and a wind chill of 3C. It’s a great time to sit in front of the fire and reflect on this and that.

In ancient times lavender was used for mummification and perfume by the Egyptians, […] Read more…

This months blog outlines a brief history of lavender. Winter suddenly arrived on Banks Peninsula this week with 120km hour winds, snow on the tops and a wind chill of 3C. It’s a great time to sit in front of the fire and reflect on this and that. In ancient times lavender was used for mummification and perfume by the Egyptians, […]

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Haircuts and easy shopping

Autumn brings change and this months blog reflects that theme with haircuts (pruning), and free shipping top of mind.

The first light frost and snow on the volcanic peaks means winter is well on it’s way. We can relax a little bit knowing our lavender has been well pruned (haircuts), weeded and ready to face winter.

We prune our lavender as hard […] Read more…

Autumn brings change and this months blog reflects that theme with haircuts (pruning), and free shipping top of mind. The first light frost and snow on the volcanic peaks means winter is well on it’s way. We can relax a little bit knowing our lavender has been well pruned (haircuts), weeded and ready to face winter. We prune our lavender as hard […]

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