Tag: lavender mist

beat the “winter blues”

Morena As we approach the shortest day it’s a great opportunity to reflect on how we might beat the upcoming “winter blues”. We have continued to be busy out in the fields tilling and weeding. It is amazing how the grass continues to grow; even through the early periods of winter. Our image is from December last year, about six months away, […]

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first shoots of Spring

Spring in the lavender field

The first shoots of Spring have sprung across our fields of Pacific Blue and Grosso. It has been a relatively mild winter and the lavender has come through some -3 degree frosts well.While we aren’t yet in metorological Spring, Pacific Blue isn’t holding back with masses of new growth. This is always an exciting time as it reminds of us of the […]

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Winter’s grip

Morena Winter’s grip is well and truly upon us with light snow falling on the lavender fields last week. The lavender is nicley pruned and awaits the first warmth of the coming Spring – although thats probably two months away. Winter is a great time to soak in the memories of summer, the scent of our lavender and sensation of our lavender […]

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Sleeping through the daytime

Locked and loaded for winter

Morena All of the Grosso and Pacific Blue plants are now beautifully pruned and “sleeping through the (winter) daytime”. Given the upheaval over the last few months the work programme is running a late this year. The  recently pruned plants, including some newly planted growing on lines, have survived some heavy frosts in June. In all another 500 young plants (mainly Pacific Blue) […]

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A summer of lavender mist

Morena This month we have a look at lavender hydrosol or lavender mist. Hydrosols are the by-product of the making of essential oil. Hydrosols are also known as floral water. They contain about 1% essential oil with the remainder being infused lavender water. We always look for great data that support the effectiveness of lavender products. One recent studyhttps://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s40415-019-00518-1 looked at the […]

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a Spring shiver


It’s a Spring shiver kind of week; 19C to 5C and thick snow all around the tops!

We know its spring, and there’s plenty of evidence in the new growth on our Pacific Blue. Apart from some ornamental lavender around the house, Pacific Blue is always the first to lead us into summer.

Because you should know many of the ‘true’ lavenders […] Read more…

Morena It’s a Spring shiver kind of week; 19C to 5C and thick snow all around the tops! We know its spring, and there’s plenty of evidence in the new growth on our Pacific Blue. Apart from some ornamental lavender around the house, Pacific Blue is always the first to lead us into summer. Because you should know many of the ‘true’ lavenders […]

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there are gnomes and genome’s in our lavender fields

A recent Canadian article outlines the range of genomes lurking in the lavender fields. A team of researchers, including University British Colombia’s Soheil Mahmoud, have recently sequenced the genome of lavender. “The best way to describe our findings is that we have built the roadmap for the discovery of the genetic elements that define lavender. Now researchers can follow our map and […]

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Spring is slowly springing!

It’s true, Spring is slowly springing in the lavender fields. As I write, the first flowers are opening on some ornamental lavender we have adjacent to the house.  Some of the stoechas (which originated from Europe) are well into bloom, with one variety covered in masses of long purple spikes. Stoechas, while not producing the quality or quantity of our Pacific Blue […]

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the mists of time

If we turn back the mists of time we begin to understand that lavender mist is produced at the same time as the production of essential oils.  A part of the distillation process, essential oils float to the top where they are removed, leaving behind a watery distillation. We call this lavender mist. Typically this diluted essential oil is less than […]

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the colour purple…

It’s just past the shortest day , so time to put away your mid winter blues and replace them with mid winter “purples” and the thoughts of a lavender summer.

We thought we’d celebrate with some famous and infamous quotes and stories about lavender to reflect on over winter….

“Forgiveness is the fragrance the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed […] Read more…

It’s just past the shortest day , so time to put away your mid winter blues and replace them with mid winter “purples” and the thoughts of a lavender summer. We thought we’d celebrate with some famous and infamous quotes and stories about lavender to reflect on over winter…. “Forgiveness is the fragrance the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed […]

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