
It must be the beginning of Spring. We thought we caught the faint sound of the first pipiwharauroa (shining cuckoo) somewhere deep in the native bush that surrounds the farm.

Despite some heavy frosts, our  Grosso and Pacific Blue plants have come through winter well and rapidly showcasing some of their future beauty.

We have been busy planting after growing on over a thousand lavender during winter. We expect the new plants will have their first flowers this coming summer.


Now for a dose of science from

Like most medicinal plants, lavender contains different active chemicals, and it’s the cffects of the combinations that make this plant work and adept at finely tuning the whole body to make it run smoothly.

For lavender, the chemicals are:

  • polyphenols like rosmarinic acid
  • flavonoids like apigenin
  • volatile aromatics

The main anxiety-relieving components are linalool and linalyl acetate. They’re also found in other relaxing aromatic plants, including citrus fruits, like bitter orange (neroli).

Lavender oil also contains the terpenes cineole and camphor. These are also found in memory-boosting European sage and rosemary.

The composition of essential oils can vary depending on many factors (such as time of harvest, weather, the skill of the still operator).

Ideally your lavender should contain:

  • 25 to 38 percent linalool
  • 25 to 45 percent linalyl acetate
  • 0.3 to 1.5 percent cineole

Science lesson over – check out the “love angle” from the link above.

In these unprecedented times Aotearoa is in a strong position compared to other countries still dealing with COVID-19. Lavender products can play a key role in helping provide emotional relief in these stressful times.

Kia kaha – be strong!