A recent Canadian article outlines the range of genomes lurking in the lavender fields.

A team of researchers, including University British Colombia’s Soheil Mahmoud, have recently sequenced the genome of lavender.

“The best way to describe our findings is that we have built the roadmap for the discovery of the genetic elements that define lavender. Now researchers can follow our map and go into the wilderness and explore even further,” says Mahmoud. “It’s opening the door for more analysis of the plant for its future potential.”

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For example, the draft genome helps scientists quickly discover genes that direct essential oil production, to understand regulatory elements that control the expression of these genes, and to learn how the genome works as a whole. Additionally, the genome sequence can help researchers develop genetic markers for ‘fingerprinting’ and identification of various lavender species and varieties.

“The quality of lavender’s essential oils greatly depends on the characteristic scent of the oil, which is determined by certain phytochemicals called monoterpenes,” explains Mahmoud. “Camphor contributes an off-odour, and its presence in the oil lowers quality and market value. On the other hand, high levels of linalool and linalyl acetate are desired in lavender oils.”

A similar piece of research suggests lavender can be very beneficial to horses

Our lavender is guaranteed gnome free…..our genome’s await further discovery! Try some of our delicious Pacific blue and Grosso oil for yourself!